Escaping closures
What are escaping closures in Swift and how to use them
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What are escaping closures in Swift and how to use them
guard statement is one of three branch statements in Swift, the if statement, guard statement and switch statement.
What is a computed property Classes, Structures and Enums may define a computed property. It is a property that does not store value, instead it defines getter and setter to retrieve and set other properties and values indirectly.
What are Any and AnyObject Any and AnyObject are special types for working with nonspecific types. Using Any and AnyObject is not recommended and it is always better to be specific about the types you work with.
How to use as! and as? for downcasting and what are the differences between them
Example of using throws and do-catch and try to handle errors in Swift
In fact Array and Dictionary are generic collections, this is why you can create an Array of Int , String or any other type
Also called Type Properties
Learn about private, fileprivate, public and internal
Easily detect the absence of value in variable or constant using Optionals