How to change UITextField placeholder color in Swift 3 and Interface Builder
You can change UITextField placeholder color programmatically or using interface builder
Changing UITextField placeholder color in Swift 3
1- Create a new UITextField subclass and override its
layoutSubviews() and insert in it this line of code
self.setValue(UIColor.init(red: 178/255.0, green: 34/255.0, blue: 78/255.0, alpha: 0.5), forKeyPath: "_placeholderLabel.textColor")
2- Now select your view controller from storyboard and drag a new UITextField to it and from “Identity inspector” change its Class to your custom UITextField class and run.
Changing UITextField placeholder color in Interface Builder
Drag a new UITextFiled to your view controller then go to its “Identity inspector” and under “User Defined Runtime Attributes” add a new attribute with the following values:
Key Path: _placeholderLabel.textColor
Type: Color
Value: <my_color>
Finally press run
Frankity -
Thank you 😀